The Earth is seen off the lunar horizon in this telephoto view taken by the astronaut Bill Anders from the Apollo 8 spacecraft on December 24, 1968. On Earth, 240,000 miles away, the sunset terminator crosses Africa. The South Pole is in the white area near the bottom end of the terminator. North and South America are under the clouds. As the crew was in the middle of their fourth lunar orbit, Anders looked out of window 5 and exclaimed "Oh, my God! Look at that picture over there! Here's the Earth coming up. Wow, is that pretty!" He and Commander Frank Borman shot several images of the event, with this one becoming the most famous, known as Earthrise. (Bill Anders / NASA)
El astronauta del Apolo 11, Neil Armstrong, sube a la superficie de la luna el 20 de julio de 1969, la primera persona en poner un pie en otro mundo.